Hello world! New blog



Categories: helloworld blog Tags: blog noob helloworld

Hello world!


As an enthusiast of tech, I saw that many people dedicates part of their time to write interesting posts on personal blogs, etc.

Their cover a lot of ambits that are very motivational for me, so I decided to put here in my personal space different cases that I found running some tasks on my day to day routine as a Linux enthusiast.

Also, I found this king of space very useful for share knowledge, experiences, research results, etc, etc.


One of the objectives of this web/blog, it’s to keep learning as much as I can, trying to run this site using static site generator (Jekyll), Markdown, also CI/CD on GitLab, etc.

All this tech is welcome to keep growing!

Photo Space

As an amateur photographer, I decided to put a small section with some of my different photos that I took on some travels or on some different places.

I hope that you like!

Motivational blogs/webs

As I said before, this blog was inspired on some blogs or pesonals spaces created by other people. Some of them are:


Thanks to all the people that inspired me for write here and for all the people that can found here some interesting information.
